Thirty-One Fundraiser

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My super generous friend Beth Cold has offered to donate 100% of her commission to our adoption funds. This equals to 25% of the pre-tax sales of any purchase. Please check out what Thirty-One has to offer. This event runs through January 11th. If you have any questions please feel free to email her from […]

Veteran’s Day

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Thank you to my Grand Father’s, my husband’s Grand Father’s, my father in law, and my son’s uncle who have all served in the military. You are appreciated. Thank you to all who have served. Without your service we wouldn’t be free.

For the love of a Child

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When I was childless, God filled my heart with love for other people’s children knowing that He was calling me to adoption. Their smiles and hugs kept me going those 8 years until I held my son in my arms.

Getting Crafty

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If you haven’t been our Facebook page lately you might not know that I have been crafting up a storm. We are offering burp cloths, drool/suck pads for baby carriers, stuffed animals, appliqued shirts and other custom items in exchange for donations to our adoption fund. So head over to Facebook to check out what we […]

What it’s like to wait…

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  It’s hard to wait for things to happen. MacMillan has just learned what it means to wait. He will hold up one finger and look at me seriously and say “Wait”. Apparently I make this motion a lot. When we are waiting to be chosen by a birth mom we are excited, nervous and anxious […]

Starting another Journey

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     This April we started the adoption process again. We have had our home study visit and we are waiting for it to be finalized. While I am not as nervous this time around since it is familiar territory, I still feel like the wait will never end. I know we just started but […]