Yesterday was a long day. Mentally it was taxing. Nothing serious happened but some days are just like that when you are waiting for the next step in the adoption process. For all those of you who have been blessed to get pregnant, think about when you took the pregnancy test and how you sit there and wait for the results. Now imagine sitting there for months. That is how I feel some days. I know we will have our Little One in God’s time. I know just as He chose to bless others through pregnancy, He will bless us through adoption. But some days just feel like they last forever.
When I stay busy throughout the day it is easy to not think about being picked by a birth family or what will happen in the hospital when they are born. But days like yesterday, when I didn’t feel well and just did little things around the house, it is hard to not let it occupy my mind.
Please pray for our Little One. Pray for his/her birth mother and father. Pray for them to have peace about their decision to make an adoption plan. Please pray for us as we patiently wait on God’s timing.
We are looking forward to the day when we get that call that we have been picked.