I Love You To Pieces, Sweet Boy!

Posted · 99 Comments

We are excited to announce that the baby we are expecting via adoption is a baby boy! We can’t wait to cuddle him and wear him in our amazing LÍLLÉbaby Complete carriers.

The LÍLLÉbaby Complete is the only carrier you will need and the Embossed is comfortable, lightweight and supportive enough to last you from infancy to toddlerhood with a weight rating of 7-45lbs. There is no need for an infant insert with this carrier as you can switch between the narrow and wide seat setting easily. You can wear your child in 6 positions : fetal, infant inward, ergonomic outward, toddler inward, hip and back. All positions are ergonomic and the LÍLLÉbaby Complete has been rated a hip healthy product by the International Hip Dysplasia Institute. The LÍLLÉbaby Complete features the amazing Lumbar support and last year it won the Cribsie Award for Most Comfortable Carrier. Truly I could go on and on about this carrier but let me tell you why I am sharing this with you.

One of the carriers we have is the new I Love You To Pieces – Mint Embossed. Since I am so excited to use ours I thought we would raffle off one to help with our adoption costs. ! This will also be paired with a custom set of accessories made by me. The carrier retails at $170 and the accessories at $37-  a $207 value!

For just a $10 donation to our AdoptTogether profile you will receive an entry into our raffle for this LÍLLÉbaby Complete Embossed in Mint.

For a $25 donation you will receive 3 entries and for $40 donation you will receive 5 entries.

All you need to do is donate on our AdoptTogether profile (or donate via paypal). Then come back here to this blog post and tell us that you made a donation and how much it was for. We will respond to your comment with your raffle numbers.

This raffle will be open from 4/21/2017 to 5/5/2017 at 11:59pm EST.

The winner will be drawn the next day and the carrier will be shipped to the winner.

Step 1 : Donate here adopttogether.org/thedupreesadopt  (You can also donate via PayPal )

Step 2 : Comment on this blog post with your name and how much you donated.

Step 3: Receive your raffle numbers from us as a reply to your comment

Step 4: Pray for our adoption and wait to see who wins this amazing carrier.

While I do some work for LÍLLÉbaby this raffle is not sponsored by them. This blog post contains affiliate links.

99 Responses to "I Love You To Pieces, Sweet Boy!"
  1. Katy Averill says:

    $10 🙂

  2. Kate Whitney says:


  3. Jessica Chassereau says:


  4. admin says:

    $40 – Shelley Sowinski Tickets #8, 9, 10, 11, 12

  5. Sarah says:

    $25 :)*

  6. Oneida Matyka says:

    Congratulations to you & your Family. God Bless you!

  7. Holly Johnson says:

    $10 love you friend! My little girl needs this!

  8. Susan N. Smith says:

    $25 So happy for you 🙂

  9. Jennifer Hughes says:

    Good luck!! Thinking of you guys!! Hope this helps and all goes smoothly

  10. Sarah Baugh says:


  11. Jessica says:


  12. Kara Hoyt says:

    Congrats and GOOD luck!!!!!

  13. Lindsey Lanier says:

    $10 and best wishes

  14. Sarah anes says:

    $25 so many prayers headed your way!!! We are foster parents with hopes to adopt as well so I know your yearning xoxox

  15. Sarah Linker says:

    $40 🙂

  16. Christina M says:


  17. Hayde Tellez says:


  18. Barbara Banks says:

    $30, and congratulations, from Molly’s mom.

  19. Victoria Swedin says:


  20. Stephanie Gutterud says:

    Donated $25.
    I know I don’t know you but my family will be praying for you and your adoption journey. <3

  21. molly earwood says:


  22. $10. Congrats! Many prayers and blessings!

  23. Christine says:


  24. Vicki says:


  25. Kira Garcia says:


  26. Heather Kennedy says:


  27. Vanessa says:

    $10 via paypal
    Congratulations and you have my heartfelt prayers !!!

  28. Jenae Root says:

    80$ via PayPal

    Congrats and hope everything goes great for you and your beautiful family!

  29. Lina Gonzalez says:

    $10 via PayPal

    God bless you and your family.

  30. Kathy says:

    $10 via PayPal. Congrats!!

  31. Jennifer says:

    $10 via PayPal.

  32. Christine Baker says:

    $10 via PayPal!

  33. Lauryn Cooney says:

    $25 via PayPal

  34. Lucy Cantu says:


  35. DeAnna Chamblee says:

    $25 via PayPal.
    Congratulations and best of luck!

  36. Robin Emma says:

    $10 by C/C – I wish I could afford more.

    Congratulations on your growing family!

  37. Brittany Dodson says:

    $10 with a cc! Blessings and prayers!

  38. Stacey Adams says:

    $10 via PayPal
    Congratulations on your growing family!

  39. Tiffany Pearson says:

    $10. Prayers sent your way

  40. Sarah Hamann says:


  41. Carry says:


  42. Kelly Walls says:

    $10 PayPal

    Best wishes to your family!

  43. Kellie Alves says:


  44. Lins Osorio says:

    $10 more

  45. Cierra Selden Mercer says:

    $10 thru PayPal ❤️

  46. Heather Edwards says:

    $10 sent! Best wishes.

  47. Stephanie Huert says:

    $10 congrats on the new blessing. Sent via PayPal

  48. admin says:

    This raffle is closed. Winner will be chosen tomorrow live on facebook.com/everygoodthing

  49. admin says:

    Sarah Schlemmer Donated but forgot to comment here Ticket #107,108,109,110,111

  50. admin says:

    Ticket #19 Holly Johnson is the winner! See the video here : https://www.facebook.com/everygoodthing/videos/1470549916323361/

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